ACA 1233n-55 and ACATool

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Don't Panic. Please wash hands.
  • Hi. I bought an ACA 1233n-55 (with bodge wire(s) on rear of card). The seller referred to it as a 1233n-55. Using ACATool, the card is recognized as a 1233n -new 28.6#mhz card and speed settings only go as high as 28.6mhz. Am I missing something? Thanks.

  • Hi. the card reports 25.8mhz on SYSINFO and ACATool is showing 13.xMhz-26.xMhz options. I have owned a 55Mhz 1233n previously and this is a replacement after my not so clean FPU attempt on that card. The cpu on this current card is labelled MC68030 with no Mhz rating and it has 2 wires on the rear.

  • The bodge wires only indicate that there is an IDE speeder on the card. Yes, the 55MHz card was the first with the bodge wires, but we've added the IDE speeder to the slower options a few weeks later, and it's still available as a paid upgrade for older ACA1233n cards.

    What speed is the oscillator X1 near the outer edge?

    I'll look up the warranty ID later.

  • This unit was sold in November 2019 to a German customer with the initials U.M.A. It is a 26MHz card.

  • First and fourth under the Sold Out group:

    The following products are sold out:

    ACA1233n (2016, 2019) - For the Amiga 1200. It is also compatible with the ACA500, ACA500plus and ACA2000.

    ACA1230 (2010 - three models) - For the Amiga 1200

    ACA630 (2010 - two models) - For the Amiga 600

    ACA1231 (2011 - OEM product for Vesalia) - For the Amiga 1200

    Former GVP Tech Support 1989-93, GuruROM Maker/Supporter (as personal time allows)

  • He's probably looking for the leaflets that say how to plug them into the A1200 - those are not in the Wiki. That's because they describe what's obvious: Plug it in the only way that it fits, and read the Wiki for further documentation. There's no need to repeat that when you're on the Wiki anyway.

    For the ACA1231, ACAtune and it's documentation is what's important.

    For the ACA1233n, ACAtool and it's documentation is the right thing.

    The important Takeaway from this thread is the Amiga1200DKB got fooled by a seller who allegedly said that the card is a 55MHz version, where in reality it's just a 26.6MHz card. It's up to the seller to make up for this, for example by lowering the price or taking it back.

  • Thanks for the info Jens. The seller was upfront here, his listing pictured 26mhz Sysinfo scores. He said it was listed as a previous listing he had and hadn't updated the details. He said before purchase he wasn't sure if it could do 55 mhz. I thought I knew better haha to me... What really stumped me were the IDE-Speeder wires. I thought that was a -55mhz only mod. I paid 55mhz market price too.

  • I've purchased a replacement '55 1233n from Poland - Warranty UT4Fn. Hasn't arrived yet. The FPU and timer mounts are socketed. Do you still support these Jens?

  • Warranty UT4Fn

    That's not a valid Warranty ID.

    The FPU and timer mounts are socketed. Do you still support these Jens?

    We don't support cards that have been modified. The ACAtool will see it and allow you to make settings, but with FPUs being faked on a large scale, often times with long-term effects that are hard to prove, I refuse to put any time into supporting cards with FPUs - no matter who is asking, no matter how credible the FPU source was.

  • Let's hope you don't get burned on this one. There are two possible Warranty IDs that actually belong to a 55MHzWenn man damit card and are very similar to the non-existent Warranty ID you've quoted.

  • Let's hope you don't get burned on this one. There are two possible Warranty IDs that actually belong to a 55MHzWenn man damit card and are very similar to the non-existent Warranty ID you've quoted.

    My first -55 Warranty no. was: WT4FY. I'll have to ask the seller for the actual code not of a lo-res photo. It could be up to a month before it arrives.

  • The last reply was more than 365 days ago, this thread is most likely obsolete. It is recommended to create a new thread instead.