Turbo Chameleon v2 - How to disable Disk Drive 2

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  • I have been looking for the option to disable the second emulated drive. Some demos don't like the second drive, notably Censor Design XIII in this case. How do I disable a single or both disk drives?

  • I can confirm the demo works fine for me aswell.

    I downloaded the demo from the link Tobias provided. I tested the demo on one of my TC64V2s, which was used in cartridge mode. I tested both with going back to the menu to change disks and also mounted all 3 disks and used the left button for Drive 1 to change disks. Worked perfectly fine for me.

    Nice demo btw.

  • Ahhh penny dropped, Ive since got it working. I wasn't mounting the disk images, just trying to launch directly... Thanks for your speedy response.

    Still trying to figure out how to mount multiple images from File Manager using CBM+M and CBM+U however don't quite get the Disk image mount menu. In the manual, after selecting an image to mount with CBM-M it says

    "You will then be prompted to select a drive and whether to start a new list (“first disk”) or to add the image to the existing list (“next disk”) for this drive." Problem is it doesn't prompt to select a drive nor whether to start a new list or not. I can only see whats mounted when I press CBM+U

    Assuming it mounts the images in sequence, I tried mounting each in sequence before dropping to BASIC and loading them in the usual way LOAD"*",8,1

    The first section of the demo loads and runs, then when I get asked to switch to the next disk I press the LEFT most Button on the TC64v2 which sends me back into the Yellow Menu system.

    It seems Im missing something.

  • I think drive selection is active during floppy mounting process only if you enabled more than one drive previously in the settings menu. You can set also the function (disk change) of the third menu button in the settings menu.

  • You need to go to the menu option called 'button settings' and select drive 1 for the left button. It's set to enter menu as default. Make sure to save the settings. Now you can use this button to swap between mounted disks. Hint: if you hold the white (middle) button for 1 second it will work as menu button. Another hint, after you have mounted several disks in a multiload demo or game, press f4 and select to save a autoswap.lst file. That means that the next time you want to run that software you just start that lst file and it will mount the disks for you and start up.

    Edit: forgot to mention you can press spacebar on the d64 file in the menu and select run the disk. This will do the same as going to basic and type the load command manually.

  • Thanks for the response. I didn't figure out how the mount multiple images works quite yet but will give it another go. I did find I didn't need it as I press and hold the white button and go back to the file menu and change disks that way, works fine for my needs and yes the Demo runs fine. Finally able to see it run on (almost)original hardware.

    With EOTB released only a few weeks ago (the primary reason I purchased the TCv2) it certainly didn't disappoint. Managed to track down an old PS/2 mouse which works fine. Amazing how much extra life this cartridge brings to the platform.

  • Thanks for the response. I didn't figure out how the mount multiple images works quite yet but will give it another go. I did find I didn't need it as I press and hold the white button and go back to the file menu and change disks that way, works fine for my needs and yes the Demo runs fine. Finally able to see it run on (almost)original hardware.

    With EOTB released only a few weeks ago (the primary reason I purchased the TCv2) it certainly didn't disappoint. Managed to track down an old PS/2 mouse which works fine. Amazing how much extra life this cartridge brings to the platform.

    Some demos will not work if you go out to the menu to change disks. I can try to make a video using my mobile phone to try and show you what I tried to explain. TC64/TC64 V2 is quite advanced, but once you get used to it it's very smooth and intuitive to use. Fantastic unit. Wouldn't want to live without it, that's for sure.

    Yes, I tried EOB. Fantastic what they have accomplished.

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