Second HD On The Buddha Using HDTOOLBOX

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Don't Panic. Please wash hands.
  • Note: I am using Kickstart 3.2 and OS3.2 which can use large HD's.

    1. With the power off connect a second HD to the right IDE port on the Buddha, REMEMBER TO REMOVE THE JUMPER!! Power on.

    2. Make a copy of HDTOOLBOX in the Tools Folder and rename it to BuddhaHDToolBox.

    3 Right click on the icon, select icon, change scsi.device to buddhascsi.device, change max address to 3, max lun to 3 and save it (I don't think it matters but I did).

    4. Open BuddhaToolBox and you should see two devices chose address 2 and chose change drive type. DO NOT choose address 0, that is your boot HD!

    5. From here you can follow the manual. When you partition the new drive chose default and rename the new drives do not make them bootable.

    6. When you get to read the new drive configuration may fail, fill in the manufactures Name with model number and give it a Drive Version if you can find it or make something up like 3.AC and try it again.

    7. Save changes and exit. It will ask you to reboot.

    8 You should have two new drives. Format each drive using quick format. If you chose format, it will take hours for each drive. Chose format if you suspect bad sectors.

    9. Now you can drag your files to the new drives for backup. Copy from your BDH0 to the new partitions to give them a new look.

    If you have problems contact me.:)

  • Just a short note that it will also work like this for drives up to 4G if you have OS3.1 and lower. If your new drive is larger than 4G, you'll need OS3.2 for proper display of sizes.

  • Jens

    Another program that shows that Buddha creates a non-Amiga DOS partition is SysInfo, something to do with a missing or nonstandard partition table or RDB. SysInfo is just an information tool. QBT I have used back in the 90s and used on my SCSI HDs just prior to getting the new Buddha this year to maintain my SCSI HD and worked quite well. Now that I have QBT V1.5 and V2.0.2 I am unable to use as it will destroy the HD drive and will need to be reinstall by the Buddha and reinstall ALL the OS and files. I have yet to find a replacement!

    Using BuddhaHDToolBOX I have partitioned my second HD on the right IDE port a Western Digital 320gb HD and made 2 155gb partitions and booted from it. Great job Buddha. This was a test I do not plan to use it. Some where I have 750gb HD to try. One note DO NOT use any Hitachi Deskstar HD they are prone to fail.

  • Another program that shows that Buddha creates a non-Amiga DOS partition is SysInfo, something to do with a missing or nonstandard partition table or RDB.

    Yes, the RDB is "non-standard" in terms of "different file system" and "64-bit size". Our install scrip generates this RDB. Sysinfo might not be aware of these possibilities, as it's rather old software - definitely before the advent of 64-bit addressing modes.

    Happy to dig deeper into this, as a bug in our install script is not out of the question. Do you have the RDB specs and do you want to take the time to verify a hex dump of the RDB?

  • Jens

    In computing, a rigid disk block (RDB) is the block on a hard disk where the Amiga series of computers store the disk's partition and filesystem information. The IBM's PC equivalent of the Amiga's RDB is the master boot record (MBR).

    Unlike its PC equivalent, the RDB doesn't directly contain metadata for each partition. Instead, it points to a linked list of partition blocks, which contain the actual partition data. The partition data includes the start, length, filesystem, boot priority, buffer memory type and "flavor", though the latter was never used. Because there is no limitation in partition block count, there is no need to distinguish primary and extended types and all partitions are equal in stature and architecture.

    Additionally, it may point to additional filesystem drivers, allowing the Amiga to boot from filesystems not directly supported by the ROM, such as PFS or SFS.

    The data in the rigid disk block must start with the ASCII bytes "RDSK". Furthermore, its position is not restricted to the very first block of a volume, instead it could be located anywhere within its first 16 blocks. Thus it could safely coexist with a master boot record, which is forced to be found at block 0.

    Nearly all Amiga hard disk controllers support the RDB standard, enabling the user to exchange disks between controllers.

    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    I don't have time or the knowledge to investigate The RDB issue. I am pointing out that the buddha is not following the RDB standard causing issues with QBT, SysInfo, HDToolBox and other utilities and programs that use the RDB.

    Does the buddha create a bad block table, so a utility could be written to scan the HD for errors. A utility could do this but the buddha needs to know not to use the bad blocks or the program must mark them as in use.


  • I am pointing out that the buddha is not following the RDB standard causing issues with QBT, SysInfo, HDToolBox and other utilities and programs that use the RDB.

    Based on what information?

    Does the buddha create a bad block table, so a utility could be written to scan the HD for errors.

    Bad block tables are not used any more. They have been phased out before the Amiga started using harddisks.

  • Using QBT I checked BDH0: boot block 0 and it PFS.

    Based on what information?

    Bad block tables are not used any more. They have been phased out before the Amiga started using harddisks.

    Then why does HDToolBox Have a way to "Modify Bad Block List" this proves it!

    Using QBT BDH0: Boot Block 0 shows PFS. Should be RDSK. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia describes the Amiga Boot system.

    I will do this to my scsi drive and see what Boot Block 0 shows.

  • Using QBT I checked BDH0: boot block 0 and it PFS.

    Correct. BTW, feature confirmed by the Wikipedia exerpt you've quoted.

    Then why does HDToolBox Have a way to "Modify Bad Block List" this proves it!

    It only proves that the software has a very old codebase. Bad block lists are not maintained by the OS any more - this task has been moved into the mass-storage device long ago.

    Using QBT BDH0: Boot Block 0 shows PFS. Should be RDSK. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia describes the Amiga Boot system.

    I will do this to my scsi drive and see what Boot Block 0 shows.

    RDSK is the designator for the rigid disk block, PFS for the file system ("professional file system"). QBT will show an entry within the RDB, but most likely not the block itself. Do a raw-read on the first blocks, make a hex dump - that'll show the RDB.

  • Correct. BTW, feature confirmed by the Wikipedia exerpt you've quoted.

    It only proves that the software has a very old codebase. Bad block lists are not maintained by the OS any more - this task has been moved into the mass-storage device long ago.

    RDSK is the designator for the rigid disk block, PFS for the file system ("professional file system"). QBT will show an entry within the RDB, but most likely not the block itself. Do a raw-read on the first blocks, make a hex dump - that'll show the RDB.

    I looked at the few block all the way to where I saw BDH0: I will compare it with the SCSI. I don't have a printer connected to the Amiga, I have run out of Epson dot matrix printers about 25 years ago. the only way is by taking a picture with my camera.

    I used SysInfo V4.4 and it shows the hard drive speed is 2.2mb/s not bad. I will compare it with the SCSI drive. Its 23:53 MST and I need to get some sleep.

  • Jens

    Buddha has PFS as the ONLY option for a filesystem. Is there a flash update that allows Fast File System?

    The buddha must be compatible with the Amiga SCSI file system that is the standard! I should be able take a A1200 IDE HD and attach it to the buddha and it should work, with the same or compatible kickstart version. The buddha HD should be compatible with the A1200.

  • No - there is no version of FFS that supports NSD64 addressing and that we have the rights to distribute. If you want to use FFS with media that's larger than 4G, you'll need to follow the (rather complicated) tutorials that are available on the internet.

  • Jens

    At this point the buddha is working great, I haven't had a need to use the repair file. I found that there is PFSDoctor program that checks the files.

    Have you heard of it, and do you know where to download it? I am going to use smallest HD that Uses SMART and allow the HD OS to handle any errors. Do you know of away for the Amiga to show the SMART file on the drive? After learning more about the PFS system I see that it is much better than FFS. All along I thought it was a file system just for the buddha because I never heard of it.

  • Pulling S.M.A.R.T. data from the 'pages' of the disk drive command and data environment are more an art than a science. It's about what was implemented (if at all) by the device manufacturer, and if they understood what they read into the specs, and how it may apply to their implementation (if they spent the R&D to do much at all). You can dig up a good amount of data on S.M.A.R.T. from the Linux SCSI implementations, but for the most part, you would be doing direct driver (HD_SCSI_CMD) type commands to the interface of the IDE device.

    Former GVP Tech Support 1989-93, GuruROM Maker/Supporter (as personal time allows)

  • Google published a paper about their research on harddrives, but that was over ten years ago. They did statistics about SMART data versus actual failures over practically all harddisks they use in their servers. Really can't remember when that was, but it was before I moved (so before 2008), and therefore the results will not apply to recent drives. Haven't heard about any follow-ups.

  • Pulling S.M.A.R.T. data from the 'pages' of the disk drive command and data environment are more an art than a science. It's about what was implemented (if at all) by the device manufacturer, and if they understood what they read into the specs, and how it may apply to their implementation (if they spent the R&D to do much at all). You can dig up a good amount of data on S.M.A.R.T. from the Linux SCSI implementations, but for the most part, you would be doing direct driver (HD_SCSI_CMD) type commands to the interface of the IDE device.

    I did some research and found that the SMART not standardized on all hard drives. So ...better to forget it. Thanks

  • Jens

    files.lha has two programs, pfsdoctor and Install. I used DOpus to do the hard work.

    I found pfsdoctor, copy it to your C directory, it needs to run in a shell pfsdorctor ? is the list of commands. Example: pfsdoctor BDH0 check will scan BDHO and check all files on the partition (no colon).

    I also included Install replacement for Install in Buddha_CD_Install directory. Make a copy of BuddhaInstall DOM to your work partition. Open the Buddha_CD_Install directory. Rename the original Install to Installbak then copy my Install to the directory and rename to With a CD drive connected run FindDevice you should see buddhascsi.device, select it and your CD drive should be listed. Run Install and just follow the prompts. This does NOT modify the DOM just the copy. You can replace it on the DOM at your risk.


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