Budda on A3000

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Don't Panic. Please wash hands.
  • Stock 3000/25, 8MB Fast / 2MB Chip, KS 3.2.1, with BigRam+ and soon Piccolo II RTG card. I am currently using SCSI2SD v5.2 and getting about 1.0MB/s trying different cards. It's also a pain to move data between PC and the 3000, I'm really spoiled by the ACA500+ I also have.

    2 questions:

    - Will I see a meaningful increase in speed in a stock 3000?

    - Are there any issues with booting, or this being a Z2 card on a Z3 bus with BigRam+?

  • There will be a meaningful speed increase (roughly double) compared to 1.15mb/sec, but no speed increase compared to the A3000's internal SCSI controller.

    In DiskSpeed 4.2 I see 2,89mb/s reading from my A3000's internal SCSI with a SCSI-to-IDE adapter, but only under optimum conditions (huge reads into a huge buffer). I do not currently have a very useful IDE device on the Buddha, testing against a DOM yields 1,9mb/s under optimum conditions.

  • - Will I see a meaningful increase in speed in a stock 3000?

    As Timm already mentioned, Buddha will be faster, as the SCSI2SD product is your bottleneck.

    - Are there any issues with booting, or this being a Z2 card on a Z3 bus with BigRam+?

    No issues - Z2 and Z3 cards can co-exist in the Amiga without affecting each other's performance.

  • If anyone want's t upgrade to OS3.2 with 3.2 ROMs:

    1 Copy the Libs directory from the OS3.2 CD to a floppy as you WILL need them. You can do this on a windozzz machine but you need to format the floppy to 720K on the Amiga first, I use Cross DOS and Cross PC for PC0: and PC1:. Format a Amiga floppy and transfer the files there, make sure the file names are correct.

    2 Power down and Change the ROMs to OS3.2 versions.

    3 Set the HD to master, power up boot up with BuddhaInstall and prep the IDE drive and reboot.

    4 When called for Libs files insert the floppy and OS3.2 will boot. You will have an issue with BuddhaSpeed talk to Jens about that issue.

    5 Power down an connect a IDE CD-DVD RW drive set it to slave and boot up the Amiga.

    6 Goto the BuddhaInstall , buddah_CD_Install. The Find CD may not show buddhascsi.device if it does choose it, if not cancel it. Run the CD Install, When you get to a prompt and buddhascsi.device is there chose it, if not listed cancel and the next screen will say scsi.device, change it to buddhascsi.device and the next prompt will show device 5 change it to 1 and then it will prompt to name it CD1 or you can change (no spaces) it and the CD will mount insert the OS3.2 cd and icon will be shown on the desktop, then you can install OS3.2 from the CD.

    I modified my CD install file to do this automatically and the Find CD will show a buddhascsi.device and I can chose it.

    If you have a 68040, 68060 board you need to install the proper CPU files from your floppy or from the OS3.2 CD. Install OS3.2 again but at the prompt chose Install CPU Support Libraries, select your hardware. The OS3.2 will allow you to read CDs or DVDs. I can use erasable CDs or DVDs or DVD-RAMs to copy files from a windozzz machine but you need to close / finalize the disc so the Amiga will read it. The DVD. This is GREAT as you can erase the disc's and reuse them like a big giant floppy with long file names. You can erase it on a windozz machine or add files to it. I have found the erasable DVDs work faster than CD's.


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