SuperPLA V4

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Don't Panic. Please wash hands.
  • I bought a SuperPLA V4 a few years ago which I never got around to try before now. When I swap out a regular PLA for the SuperPLA I get a screen full of garbled characters, if I have a cartridge inserted it looks fine. This is on an mK1

    Reloaded board, any ideas?



  • Maybe just a contact problem - first of all, make sure that you're using the ZIF sockets the correct way: Lever down is "closed", so the lever must be "up" if you're inserting the Super PLA.

    Next, double-check the correct jumper setting, otherwise it won't work as a C64-PLA.

    Last not least, please try to move the SuperPLA sideways in the socket while the lever is closed. This will scratch the contacts a little and remove possible oxidization from the socket's contacts. All the gold on the SPLA pins won't help if the socket is corroded (even slightly).

  • Hi Jens,

    I tried what you suggested and I still the screen full of garbage characters at startup, cartridge games seem to work so am I right in saying that the jumpers must be set correctly? Other wise it wouldn’t work at all?

    I tried a few more things, I tried it in a 2nd reloaded board, no change. I tried a Dead test cartridge and like the game cartridge it worked fine with no faults found.

  • What's the warranty ID of the other board? Just trying to find out what they have in common.

  • I have a SuperPLA v4 that I finally came around to install on my 250466 board. I don't see clear instructions on the chip to determine which direction is correct. I have the jumpers facing towards the rear of the computer, is this correct?

    Picture of current install

  • The last reply was more than 365 days ago, this thread is most likely obsolete. It is recommended to create a new thread instead.