Posts by Ray Chason

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Don't Panic. Please wash hands.

    Your answer seems to be as good as "you don't." If MMC64 doesn't support SDHC cards, then it isn't much use. The older kind is nowhere to be found.

    I had thought this would be a faster and larger means of storage than the 1541 emulation.

    Trying to load it with a Retro Replay cartridge, or indeed any cartridge, produces only a blank screen.

    If I turn on MMC64 (Options -> Cartridge Settings -> MMC64 set to "on"), the only thing that seems to change is that no disk device works anymore. If I try LOAD "$", 8, I see "SEARCHING FOR N" and then "?FILE NOT FOUND ERROR". Trying to read the error channel returns only nonsense. The same happens with device 9. With device 10, I get "SEARCHING FOR N" and then "DEVICE NOT PRESENT."

    I've looked through the manual about 30 times and nothing seems to address this.

    What am I missing?