Posts by mateusz_s

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Don't Panic. Please wash hands.


    I read in the manual that with the command line argument I can load startup config file.

    I didn't test it - but I guess that the application will also run - and to apply the new config file I will have to

    click the button as always.

    I was wondering - because probably I will have like 1-3 different config files

    would it be possible to run the applicatio with the command line and config file name

    and automatic applaying the config file?

    I could then make a script for running a specific game,

    for example:

    1. // before game start apply the config 1
    2. IndivisionAGAmk3 QUIET config_1.file
    3. gamestart
    4. // after game ends apply standard config 2
    5. IndivisionAGAmk3 QUIET config_2.file

    it would speed up the whole process - I wouldn't have to apply the config first - I could make every thing with double-click.

    I saved that preset in the file

    After loading it - it will override your preset list - it will disable the 800x600 PAL preset and put new preset after it (at the very bottom of the list)

    You have just to click Save & Accept button to make changes.

    So if you have some your settings that you want to keep - you should save them first.


    Indivision is a great stuff..

    I played with the settings recently to try to make games looks better.

    Better I mean - there was a lot of blank space - so I tried to resize it but also without much distortions on graphic and darken scanlines..

    I am sharing my settings - maybe you will find it useful..

    Please note that I upgraded firmware to 1.9..

    It is correct and desired that the P96API call returns 24 bits per pixel. It's the number of bits that actually have an influence on colour. If you want to get the total number of bits per pixel, there is a tag called DEPTH (also mentioned in the API documentation). It is two separate things you need to keep in mind: Number of colours and encoding width may or may not be different, depending on screen mode and graphics card.

    For pixel formats with padding-data, you have a depth of 32 bits, but only 24 bits that have a meaning. So again, your output is expected and desired to describe reality in required detail.

    Thank you for answer


    Recently I started developing using RTG. I found a strange thing, could it be some kind of bug in rtg library?

    The problem occurs with 32bit screen mode. I can prove it with this app that is included in P96 devkit. It lists all available modes and checks what they return: (link removed - please upload here) Maybe You could make the following steps to recreate the problem.

    When we select 640x480x24 the return result is also 640x480x24 and the ID = $50031200.. but when we choose 640x480x32 the returned value is ALSO 640x480x24(sic!) BUT the ID = $50032300.. So its different modes.

    The problem in my case is when I am using CGX api I can't manually give 32 depth parameter to openscreen directly or by best mode, it returns error on opening screen ALWAYS. I must set depth to 24. I noticed that p96OpenScreen from P96 api works ok with given 32, at least on winuae. I don't have Vampire but the testers couldn't open that 32 screen that was set in code.

    To open a real 32 screen I had to disable all 24 bit modes and enable only 32 bit modes. The screen that was opened was 32 bit depth despite the given parameter was 24. So the other method to bypass it is to open screen by ID or requester that lists all or 32 modes.

    The 32 is important for me because I noticed it is faster that 24. Also my code operates on rgba (32bit) structures which also is faster.

    The results are from winuae and Vampire. I tried "old" P96 and 3.01.

    Thanks in advance


    Mateusz Staniszew


    I would like to share with this piece of code:

    I make a simple fullscreen test. I was searching for fast and fastest routine to

    put content of my generated graphic buffer into screen as fast as possible.

    No heavy calculations just filling the buffer.

    I used standard WritePixelArray, but also wanted to try to bypass that using bitmap locking and direct memory copy.

    In WinUae test the direct memcpy is a bit faster.

    I am attaching the source code in C, because maybe someone is insterested in RTG coding and search for similar informations,

    but also maybe someone would improve the code - to make it more general or even faster.

    Please note that the main focus of this code is to fill the whole screen as fast as possible with graphic data.

    The code and test is aimed for 32bit mode.

    I suppose that those masterpieces will consider an RTG and full compatibility with Indivision.

    I would also like to ask similar question. Will 1260 have basic RTG with P96 like Warp1260 has, only with additional place for advanced graphic module? Or there will be not RTG at all with only place left for module? Its crucial for me because I am getting interested in RTG coding, so by now I am considering V1200 or Warp1260, but I want to wait until end of the year to see what ACA1260 will offer..


    So as modern Amiga turbo cards including ACA1260 has RTG,

    I become interested in RTG coding under OS 3.x using Picasso96API.

    Unfortunately the Developer.lha package contains only a few examples. Does anybody know where can I find a bit more examples or documents?