some noob questions

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  • Hi All,

    My Chameleon has arrived, but I can't try it yet because I am still waiting for a safe PSU for my breadbin C64. I have some questions, though

    - is the chameleon straight from the shop read-to-run or do I still need to flash a core?

    - Can the file browser / manager work with ZIP files? Most stuff is zipped and needs to be unzipped otherwise

    - Do I need JiffyDOS to get speed from the emulated 1541's or are these fast?

    For SID, I read that C64 and Chameleon both have their own audio outs. Can the Chameleon replace the C64 internal SID so I can connect one speaker to the Chameleon and be done, or do I need to have speakers for Chameleon and the C64?

    Thanks all

  • - It should run out of the box. It might not be the latest firmware so eventually you want to flash new firmware.

    - No ZIP files are not supported, you need to place unpacked files on the card.

    - You can use jiffydos images, but there is also RetroReplay emulation build in that also has a disk speeder.

    - Both the C64 and the Chameleon output provide audio at the same time. I would recommend to use the C64 audio output if possible as the SID emulation in Chameleon isn't perfect yet. If you plan on using alternative cores (like the minimig, vic-20 or atari core) then connecting the Chameleon audio output might be useful though.

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