Limited run?

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Don't Panic. Please wash hands.
  • We will not make another run of the PCI Catweasel - because maintaining the drivers is way too much effort. And with the current drivers, you wont be able to use it in anything newer than XP (32bit). The next Catweasel will use USB and/or Ethernet instead - but that will still take a while.

  • We will not make another run of the PCI Catweasel - because maintaining the drivers is way too much effort. And with the current drivers, you wont be able to use it in anything newer than XP (32bit). The next Catweasel will use USB and/or Ethernet instead - but that will still take a while.

    I would personally use it on an XP 32bit machine, do you have any old stock left? And why not opensource the driver? the PCI version could be used with a PCI to PCI-express adapter.

    Thanks for the quick answer! :)

  • Please understand that the driver is way more than "just talking to the hardware" - it includes all the encoders/decoders for all the different floppy formats that we have researched over the years, and that is a very valuable asset for the next version of the Catweasel.

    I'm sorry, but there is no stock of the old PCI version left. What I can offer is the ISA version, and the 32-Bit XP drivers even still ahve the hardware routines in them - although we did not have any machine to test them, we just kept the support in and had customers tinker with it. We even got a few positive reports, so if you have a machine with ISA slot and XP or Linux, you can have an ISA Catweasel from the Y2K production run.

  • Hello!,

    I see above that you might have an ISA Catweasle still available? I am working on preserving a lot of old disks and I was excited to find the Catweasle, but unable to procure one. I have plenty of old hardware with ISA available and having 1 or 2 machines setup with all the different drives would make my life soooo much easier.

    Please let me know I would definitely be interested in purchasing one or more.

    Thank you!,


  • ISA controllers are still in stock, but not in the shop. Please contact me via eMail (jens@..) so we can work out the details.

  • I am interested in the Catweasel mk4 plus. I could not find an ordering link on your web site.
    (If that version not available, which versions are still available?)

    If you think maintaining the drivers is too expensive / time consuming, why not go open source?
    I'm sure there are many Amiga fans who would be willing to maintain the drivers if the hardware was still available.

  • As jens said in the previous post, only a few ISA cards are left.

    The drivers would have to be pretty much completely rewritten (the last ones are for XP, and they dont work on any 64bit windows) anyway. And there are already open-source drivers (for linux) so all the info is out there.

  • As jens said in the previous post, only a few ISA cards are left.

    Not any more - the last card went out a few weeks ago, so there's really nothing left at this point.

  • I have the CopyII PC board, the Kryoflux board and the SuperCard Pro. Each time I try to acquire a Catweasel I find that production has ended and they are no longer available. Would you be so kind as to let me know when the next version is released? I have a lot of software in many different file formats on 5.25 and 3.5 disks.



  • We will not make another run of the PCI Catweasel - because maintaining the drivers is way too much effort. And with the current drivers, you wont be able to use it in anything newer than XP (32bit). The next Catweasel will use USB and/or Ethernet instead - but that will still take a while.

    Hoping to buy an Amiga A1222 Tabor as soon as it hits the market, I would really like to have the opportunity to use an Amiga 2000/3000/4000/CDTV keyboard, an Amiga "Tank" Mouse and - of course - being able to read and write 3.5" AmigaOS floppies. The experience wouldn't be the same without these peripherals.

    All of this being said, may I please ask if you plan to officially support AmigaOS 4.x for the next Catweasel? If you do - is the plan to include support for Amiga keyboards and mice?

  • The plan is to make it so the device doesnt need explicit support by the OS - because that simply requires too much effort.

    As for peripherials, i think that will have to go into a different product. No details have been planned are set in stone yet however - and we'll still be busy with other things for a while.

  • The plan is to make it so the device doesnt need explicit support by the OS - because that simply requires too much effort.

    As for peripherials, i think that will have to go into a different product. No details have been planned are set in stone yet however - and we'll still be busy with other things for a while.

    Got it, and thank you for your reply. While it seems as if the next, "host independent" Catweasel is still quite some time away from the shelves (and it may make sense to try and source an old PCI Catweasel 4+ for temporarily use in an Amiga A1222 Tabor), I still think it's super important to show support to the Amiga software and hardware developers.

    Hence, I'm crossing my fingers that the next Catweasel will fully replace version 4+, and that you will support original Amiga peripherals either through the Catweasel itself or through some kind of "companion" product.

    In either case, please consider having the OS 4-users and the OS 4 hardware situation in mind, and best of luck with the planning! :thumbup:

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