ACA500Plus availability

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  • Yes - safety stock is not huge, and ACA500plus is in high demand. Don't worry, though, I now have confirmation that the samples will finally be assembled this week, so I should have new boarads to test next week. If verification of these boards goes as planned, the new production run can be launched, and we'll have good supply of these cards in March of this year.


  • Glad to hear more stock is forthcoming. I have an order in with retropassion and I can wait so I didn’t jump on the safety stock that was available. Any compatibility or over clocking concerns with the new chip variant?

  • I have an order in with retropassion

    Interesting. Resellers were told to NOT take orders (especially not accept any money), as it's currently unclear if the new production run will be available to resellers this year. So please let me know: Did you already pay for that order?

    Any compatibility or over clocking concerns with the new chip variant?

    No - we've had a version with 68sec000 CPUs before, so that part of verification can be considered done. It's a few small things, mostly 5V-tolerant driver chips that I have exchanged for new types that are actually available for an acceptable price in the year 2025. While you may consider this "minor changes" (and I am confident about them), this all needs to be properly tested before we go into mass-production. One of them even has a footprint that I have never used before, so there needs to be some very close inspection of the early stages of assembly, specifically the stencil/solder paste application.

    Features of the card won't be changed. Software won't be able to tell a difference between the upcoming version and the versions since 2016 (with the only exception being that the DisMo version can be read by software, but that doesn't tell you anything about driver chips in a different part of the design).


  • Thanks for the reply.

    I want to stress that the folks at Retropassion have been excellent. They acknowledged the site error that allowed me to place the order, which was in addition to another item, nearly immediately after I placed the order. They offered my money back and an apology. I accepted the apology but refused the refund as I am perfectly happy to wait however long it may take. They have been proactive in their communication with me and I have taken their excellent customer service as a prime example as to why you chose them to be a retail partner. It was not my intention to indicate any displeasure with them or their service.

  • Why would anyone buy from a Reseller? Seems like that would only be for people who didn’t know that they can order directly from IC.