Picasso IV v3.4.1 Issues

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  • Hi,

    I'm having an issue with the 3.4.1 version of P96. I installed it successfully in my A2000 and ran the new prefs program to setup the monitor mode.

    First, the program showed 2 video cards(Village 1 and the Picasso IV). I selected the Picasso IV which would not be highlighted to indicate that it is the selected board. Next I tried to select the mode 1920x1080. The program kept selecting 320x240 x4, x8, x16 and so on. I could never select any other mode.

    After rebooting, I can't run the P96 prefs program as I am getting the error message 'Failed to fit the window' which I am guessing is due to the small monitor mode.

    How can I restore the default mode so I can get in and start again? I am trying to set the video mode to 1920x1080. The monitor in question is a viewsonic 27 inch monitor.



  • Correct me if I'm wrong, but the PIV doesn't support 1920x1080 pixels. The maximum pixel clock that the chip supports is 80MHz, so if you stretch timing a bit, you may be able to get 1152x864 or 1280x1024 at lower vertical rates than 60Hz,

    Full-HD requires a pixel clock of at least 165MHz, so the prefs program is correct not attempting to set that.

    Have you tried opening the prefs program on a normal hires native screen?


  • Hi,

    Can you explain what you mean by a normal hires native screen? The Viewsonic monitor can do up to 1920 x 1080 so that's what i tried to set up the Picasso IV.

    I also tried setting up a Dell 19 inch monitor but I get the same error message as the Viewsonic 27 inch monitor. The message appears when I try to open the P96 prefs program.

    I did not have the 'watch thread' box checkmarked so i did not know that anyone had responded, but i have done so. So when you respond now, I'll be right on it.

    At this point, i just want to be able to open the prefs program and start over again

    with the setup of the monitor and the Picasso IV.

    Question for you: does the current configuration of the monitor have anything to do with the error message I am getting? I have more than 60 megs of ram available via a TF accelerator if that is a possible issue.

    I'm looking forward to your help with this issue.

    Thanks for your help so far,

  • Hi,

    Never mind on the explanation of the hi-res part. I went into 'screenmode' preferences and selected '640 x 400' for NTSC: High Res Laced', then ran the test of the new setting. The max colors is set to 4 and the monitor is set at 60hz, 15.72khz.

    The test generated a display that displays as 640 x 400 x 2 generated test pattern. but I cannot save the settings as all of the buttons(save, use, and cancel)P are not visible at the bottom of the screen.

  • The Viewsonic monitor can do up to 1920 x 1080

    That's not your metric - not the monitor, but your gfx card is limiting the resolution.

    If that 640x400 screen isn't showing everything, you can of course try higher resolutions. "Native" always means modes that the normal Amiga chipset can display. Note that the Amiga supports screen-scrolling: You can make WB larger than the screen, and it'll scroll when you move the mouse pointer to the edges. This should let you display all buttons of an oversized window.


  • Hi,

    Thanks for the info. As I start to play with the resolutions, here are some questions for you:

    1) Should i make the changes in the screenmode app or do all testing via the P96 preferences utility and leave the screenmode app at 640 x 400?

    2) Does it matter if the 'screenmode app' and the p96 prefs have different resolutions or should they match? Which one takes priority over the other?

    2) Since the monitor is running at 60hz, am I correct in that I can only use those resolutions that include 60hz in their range?


  • 1) Should i make the changes in the screenmode app or do all testing via the P96 preferences utility and leave the screenmode app at 640 x 400?

    Making changes on a native screen will only help you if you can klick on "save". Ultimately, you'll have to do that, as I wouldn't know any other way to get to a 1280xsomething screen on P96 :-)

    2) Does it matter if the 'screenmode app' and the p96 prefs have different resolutions or should they match? Which one takes priority over the other?

    While on a native screen, you're only editing what P96 will output when selected. It won't immediately make a change if that's your Q.

    2) Since the monitor is running at 60hz, am I correct in that I can only use those resolutions that include 60hz in their range?

    The monitor will run at the frequency that the gfx card is giving it. The PIV board is clock master, and the monitor syncs to that. You may be lucky and lower that rate a bit, while the monitor tolerates that deviation. Most monitors go as low as 56Hz, and you may have to do that in order to get a higher resolution. Again, your limiting factor is the pixel clock that the PIV card can output - all the other timings are built on that.
