ACA500Plus with 128GB CF

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Don't Panic. Please wash hands.
  • Hi everyone,

    Has anyone succeeded in installing Workbench on a 128GB CF Card in the boot slot of the ACA500Plus? When I try to install, I get an error: "Error formatting partition CF1," which is intended to be formatted as the "Work" partition. Does anyone know a way to resolve this?

    Thanks in advance!

    Best regards,

  • This may be a memory problem, because such huge partitions need a lot of buffers. If you have an A1200 accelerator with extra memory, please try to add that and see if there's a difference.

    The largest card that I have ever used with the ACA500plus is 64G. I didn't think it makes sense to use anything bigger, because it can fit the whole Aminet.


  • Dear Jens,

    Thank you very much for your reply. It's good to know that 64GB cards work without issues.

    Last time I checked, the complete Aminet archive takes up around 62-63 GB, so you are right - it seems like 64GB is still sufficient for most needs.


  • If you need that kind of storage, you might want to look at the X-Surf-500 - that itself doesn't store data, but it'll let you use a NAS, or even a remote server.


  • Dear Jens,

    I have one more question: do you think the ACA500Plus would support a 128GB CF card formatted in FAT32 (it is possible to format it in such a way with third-party tools) in the AUX slot? As I have already purchased the 128GB CF card, I am looking for a way to see if there is a chance to use it. In that case I would use a smaller card in the BOOT slot.


  • FAT32 is possible on a 128G card if the cluster size is increased. There are 3rd party tools for Windows, which I have never tried and therefore cannot endorse. I use Linux, where the command line would be:

    sudo mkfs.fat /dev/(your CF) -s 128 -F 32

    If you don't have a Linux install, you can maybe boot from a live CD/DVD/USB-stick and spare any money that 3rd party tools want to charge.

    This makes a single partition on the card. Please report back if it works on the Amiga - I believe we don't have any information about that in this forum.


  • Hi Jens,

    For your information – I have managed to format a 12GB CF card as FAT32. First, I formatted it with a 2KB cluster size. It worked with ACA500Plus (in the AUX slot), but it was so slow that I had to wait several minutes before Workbench started. Then I changed the cluster size to 64KB (I realize I lose some space with small files); however, in this case, it works fine, at regular speed.

    At the same time, I noticed that if there are plenty of files in a single folder, the "out of memory" message appears from time to time in Workbench. However, it is not a big deal as I have modified the folder structure.
