Blue-ish tint with Indivision AGA MK3

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  • First, thank you so much for making these amazing add-ons.

    I just installed an Indivision AGA Mk3 in my A1200 and I'm noticing an ever so slight blue tint on my WB screen. I'm using the CA-PSU but I also have a TF1260 in the Amiga.

    Before I dig any further I just wanted to know if this looks like something that is within the tolerance/expected results or whether it's worth trying to remove the TF and see if that has an effect.

    Once again thanks a lot for the great work!

  • How did you make those screenshots? Using a video grabber? Or the OS? In the later case Indivision cant be responsible :)

  • Good point. Those are screen grabs from my macOS screen via an El Gato HDX.

    I'm currently comparing with the colors from the RGB->SCART->HDMI I used previously using the same screen grabbing method. Not completely scientific, granted, but just made me wonder if what I'm seeing looks within the normal tolerances since I'm new to the Indivision.

    I can try and remove the TF1260 and get the ribbon cable away fro the GoTek too in case this may be the cause.

    But if it looks normal to you, then great!

  • This doesn't look normal - at least not on the grey-colour-bar-picture. The WB does look good, but that may of course be due to grabbing, re-producing on this uncalibrated monitor and me staring into different monitors all day.

    First thing I'd try is to clean Lisa and re-seat Indivision. We're taking the 24 bits of video directly from the Lisa chip, and it may just be a contact problem on one of the lower bits of the blue channel.

    Clean Lisa with an old toothbrush and pure alcohol (IPA should be avaiable from your local pharmacy). Re-seat Indivision while the chip is still wet - this will help make even better contact. NEVER use contact sprays, as those often have lubricants added that you absolutely don't want in a computer.


  • I figured out the issue. After pulling off the indivision I noticed that some pins on the socket got bend, probably caused by me not pressing down perfectly straight on my first attempt.

    See lower left corner:

    So a pair of tweezers, some patience and the iPhone magnifier later I carefully got them back straight.

    I ended up using a folded paper towel to press down evenly on the socket and that seemed to work well. The click was very satisfying this time and lo and behold, color is correct now!

    Thank you for all the help, I really appreciate it.