Indivision ECS v4 vs. v3

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  • Just completed my second Indivison ECS v4 upgrade, tossed out the old v3, stuffed in the new v4.

    I'm really curious as to how the ECS v4 solves a specific issue I had with the Indivision ECS v2 and v3 models ?

    With v2 and v3 at initial power-up, my ACA500plus startup screen was off centre horizontally and even if I used the horizontal shift feature, the left most edge of the screen was lost to me...

    With ECS v4, the image is perfectly aligned at power on..
    I no longer have to memorize what the left hand menu option switch keys are...

    How, why, who, magic ? :D

  • With v2 and v3 at initial power-up, my ACA500plus startup screen was off centre horizontally and even if I used the horizontal shift feature, the left most edge of the screen was lost to me...

    Interesting. I have the (exact) same issue with my ACA500plus, but my picture comes via RGB2HDMI. I'd assumed I'd just not set the RGB2HDMI up properly, but since every other screen on my Amiga nice and centred I didn't want to tinker any more, so I just resort to a Google image search to find the menu keys I need. :)

    I've wondered if the ACA500plus menu screen was a different "type" of screen to the PAL and NTSC screens I've got set up perfectly. Maybe it is, and the ECS v4 addresses it in a way previous versions hadn't. Shrug.