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Don't Panic. Please wash hands.
  • Hi

    Tested my ACA500 plus today on my A500+

    My setup is ACA500plus on Amiga A500+ and a Blizzard 1260.

    Custom power with 5v 6.5 amp and 12v 1.7 amp

    I upgraded the firmware to latest.1.46

    And I did the upgrade the installation to 1.15

    Then I wanted to flash new roms to my ACA500

    With the 1260 installed and F1 default config on aca500plus i got suspend and reboot error window when I run acafashrom, ( did not try to upload any I just started shell and write "acaflashrom" to check if it was resident). And got the error.

    I think could it be the 060. so I take a soft boot and just disable with key "2" when it rebooted it did not find the acafashrom resident.. so I did a power off.

    When I power on again I get red raster on screen and the only E1 in the display it comes almost instance after power on.

    I have tested with 2 other amiga 500, same error on all of them. I have ofc tested without any accelerator card installed. but just for fun, I also tried with a blizzard 1230 iv and a aca 1221ec get same error code on all E1

    Hmm Did I brick something when I hitted the "2" to disable the 1260?

    Was no problem until then.

    I may have screw up something in the config/firmware?

    Is there any reset mode on aca500plus? to restore it.

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