indivision mk3 mouse problems

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  • Have written a few emails today regarding what i beleive to be a faulty mk3 as below as forums were down:-

    email 1:-

    Just received but seem to be having some mouse button issues (left mainly), seem to be unable to double click to select things, tried mouse from my othe a1200 also with the same aga mk3 in it and same issue, any ideas

    email 2:-

    Nothing on your forums for this but what ive did to diagnose is taken todays delivered aga mk3 and put it in the other a1200 which had the 1st aga mk3 i bought (and has worked perfectly since i got it couple of months ago). And i have found the issue is following the indivision card. So the new card in any of my a1200's exhibits mouse issues in that left mouse clicks arent working and in some instances it appears as if the a1200 thinks the left button is being held down which it isnt. And conversely the working indivision in any of the a1200's exhibits no issue at all.

    email 3:-

    I'm afraid even without the forums which I've still been able to get on today this unit definitely has a fault, when I 1st boot the amiga (any of the 2 of them which are both fine when using the other mk3 i bought couple of months ago) the mouse left button either doesnt allow me to click anything or is acting as if its pressed and can't be unpressed, it does this for a few minutes and then appears to resolve until next reboot seems to be worse from cold, How do i go about either returning this or obtaining a replacement (and what happens with import charges if it gets replaced).

    update:- I'm now trying some testing with the mk3's keyboard adapter disconnected, will update tomorrow with results

  • Update as promised this morning, indivision works just fine without the keyboard/mouse/config adapter installed. Cant see there being even a 1 percent chance this is the 2 amigas to blame as both work fully with the first agamk3 i bought but just not with the new one.

    If no resolution comes from this it will have to be returned, help please !

    Thank you

  • Ive swapped parts over as per your email suggestion already, that was done before your reply to my email, the fault is staying with the particular main mk3 unit, no matter which cia adapter is connected to it or which of the 2 amigas the unit is installed in, picture to follow of the installed cia later today.

  • Checked the thread mentioned re returns, i get it doesnt really cost much in declerations to customs when sending the unit back, but what happens cost wise when the unit is replaced and sent back to the uk ? Is it more customs charges at that point, i was £43 in charges last time on top of the indivision cost itself.

  • but what happens cost wise when the unit is replaced and sent back to the uk ?

    It's going to be declared with actual value (that's the law), but clearly marked as "warranty delivery" with the actually charged amount of 0,- EUR on the invoice. This, in combination with the reciept you have for the 43 pounds should give you more than enough ammo to have it delivered at zero additional cost.

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