[BUGS] G64 alignment

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Don't Panic. Please wash hands.
  • I noticed that quite a few of my G64 images do not work in the TC64's emulated drive. By this I mean they appear completely corrupted, you cannot get a directory listing or load any file. It's as if the image contained random data and you get nothing but read-error returned by the DOS.

    In looking at the ones that worked and ones that didn't, it seemed that the ones that did not were images where the GCR data wasn't aligned on an 8-bit boundary like you would see if it were read and framed by the shift-register of the 1541 and thus in images created by Zoomfloppy. These images were created by flux copiers such as Kryoflux and SuperCard-Pro and converted to G64. They work fine in Vice emulator as it does bitwise rotation of the image, but I'm guessing TC64 does not? I don't have any other explanation. This kind of alignment is required to properly represent protections such as the offset sync mark on many earlier V-Max games such as Bop'N Rumble, Defender of the Crown, and Into the Eagle's Nest.

    My config is:

    NTSC C64C

    TC64v2 in cartridge mode

    Single emulated drive device #8

  • Some parts of the G64 emulation were turned off (from beta9i onwards), as it broke the normal floppy stuff. It wouldn't surprise me if you use a a beta-9g or beta-9h release, a few more of those G64 images will work. It is described in the change-log as "weak-bit" emulation, but pretty sure bit-wise sync interpretation is also part of that same change. And like I said, currently disabled.

  • Yes, once we find a way to implement this, without it breaking any of the standard drive ROM routines we will of course enable the feature. Can't give a time-frame, VIC-II and CIA emulation bugs have priority.

  • Tobias

    Changed the title of the thread from “G64 alignment” to “[BUGS] G64 alignment”.
  • The last reply was more than 365 days ago, this thread is most likely obsolete. It is recommended to create a new thread instead.