X-500-Surf Software

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Don't Panic. Please wash hands.
  • Good evening everyone, greetings from Croatia.

    Recently i bought ACA500-plus and afterwards x-500-Surf.

    I cannot manage to install software for X500Surf from autoinstaller, i have updated all that can be updated.

    Tried on clean WB install on brand new SanDisk Cf card, but no luck, also automount or autorun of WB install does not work.

    Installed clean WB regular way from floppies, and then network install, but same result

    If i mount Newtwork install in one of profiles, i got ACADV unreadable.

    I have tried to find software for x-500Surf but no luck, maybe someone can help me this.

    Is it possible to download archive somewhere?

  • Manage to install, issue was installer, after installing newer version of installer i managed to install X500-surf.

    Also autoinstall now works, it seems that was PSU issue, tried with another psu and now seems ok.

  • Thanks for the feedback about you resolving the problem on your own. Your ACA500plus appears to be an older version if it was not shipped with the latest installer in the flash!

  • All installers are flashed on all new units - that's since over two years. Just verified with a unit from the shelve: Everything is there, so our standard bring-up procedure is not mangled. Must be a problem that's isolated to your card - luckily resolved.

  • The last reply was more than 365 days ago, this thread is most likely obsolete. It is recommended to create a new thread instead.